2024 World Series of Poker

Lindsey Wins Three-Bet Pot

Level 26
Brad Lindsey
Brad Lindsey

Mark Abinakle: XxXx/Qx - folded third street
Ben Yu: XxXx/8x - folded third street
Maxx Coleman: XxXx/3x3x3xJx/Xx
Brad Lindsey: XxXx/2x5xKxAx/Xx

Mark Abinakle brought in, Ben Yu completed, and Maxx Coleman two-bet. Brad Lindsey then reraised, and only Coleman called.

Coleman paired his three on fourth street and made trips on fifth street, but he still called the bets Lindsey placed in the middle. Coleman then called down on sixth and seventh street, and Lindsey showed 7x4xAx for a seven-low, taking down the big pot.

Player Chips Progress
Brad Lindsey us
Brad Lindsey
Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Maxx Coleman us
Maxx Coleman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Mark Abinakle ca
Mark Abinakle

Tags: Ben YuBrad LindseyMark AbinakleMaxx Coleman