2024 World Series of Poker

Shack-Harris Has Abinakle On the Ropes

Level 26

Mark Abinakle: XxXx / 10x7x2x10x / Xx
Brandon Shack-Harris: XxXx / 4x9x4x7x / Xx

Mark Abinakle was the bring in, Brandon Shack-Harris completed, and Abinakle defended. Fourth street saw Shack-Harris bet and Abinakle call. Fifth street paired the four for Shack-Harris and Abinakle bet. Shack-Harris called.

On sixth street, Shack-Harris bet and Abinakle called, shaking his head. Shack-Harris fired again on seventh, which sent Abinakle deep into the tank before shrugging and flicking in the call.

Shack-Harris revealed Qx8x3x for a nine-eight and Abinakle mucked his cards, leaving himself short-stacked.

Player Chips Progress
Brandon Shack-Harris us
Brandon Shack-Harris
WSOP 2X Winner
Mark Abinakle ca
Mark Abinakle

Tags: Brandon Shack-HarrisMark Abinakle