2024 World Series of Poker

Kawaguchi Continues to Roll

Level 26

Scott Seiver completed with a 3x, Steven Abitbol called with an 8x, and Akihiro Kawaguchi called with a 2x.

Scott Seiver: XxXx / 3x10x6x4x / Xx
Steven Abitbol: XxXx / 8x9x7x - folded on fifth street
Akihiro Kawaguchi: 8xAx / 2x5x3x10x / 6x

Kawaguchi led on fourth and both players called. He led again on fifth and only Seiver called.

Kawaguchi bet sixth and Seiver immediately raised, which Kawaguchi called.

Kawaguchi led again seventh which sent Seiver deep into the tank as he decided whether or not to fold his six.

"I'm getting 15-to-one, can I ever fold a six here?" lamented Seiver.

He eventually tossed in the call and got the bad news as Kawaguchi had made a better 6-5-3-2-A.

Player Chips Progress
Akihiro Kawaguchi jp
Akihiro Kawaguchi
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: Akihiro KawaguchiScott SeiverSteven Abitbol