2024 World Series of Poker

Nickerson Nails a Wheel

Level 11

Daryl Nickerson completed with a 5x and was called by a player showing a 4x.

Daryl Nickerson: 3xAx / 5xQx2x9x / 4x
Opponent: XxXx / 4x4x2xJx / Xx

The action checked through on fourth street, and Nickerson led with a bet on fifth street.

When betting on sixth, Nickerson managed to land a single 5,000 chip perfectly on its side. Perhaps this was a good omen of things to come as he peeled the perfect 4x on the end to make a wheel and drag the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Daryl Nickerson us
Daryl Nickerson

Tags: Daryl Nickerson