2024 World Series of Poker

It's All Aido Right Now

Level 25 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Sergio Aido raised to 1,100,000 with A4 on the button. Chance Kornuth called out of the big blind with KJ

Kornuth check-called a bet of 800,000 on the 65A flop.

The 4 turn saw Kornuth check-fold to a bet of 3,000,000 from Aido.

Player Chips Progress
Sergio Aido es
Sergio Aido
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Chance Kornuth us
Chance Kornuth
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching

Tags: Sergio AidoChance Kornuth