2024 World Series of Poker

Hui Quarters Mayoh to Extend Lead

Level 34

Omaha Hi-Lo

Daniel Mayoh raised on the button and Phillip Hui called in the big blind.

Hui check-called a bet from Mayoh on the Q27 flop and then Hui led out for a bet on the 6 turn. Mayoh called.

The 5 completed the board and Hui bet again. Mayoh looked him up and Hui tabled 10432 for a flush with a low.

Mayoh turned over 7432 for a second-best straight and the same low and the lion’s share of the pot went Hui’s way.

Player Chips Progress
Phillip Hui us
Phillip Hui
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Daniel Mayoh au
Daniel Mayoh
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Daniel MayohPhillip Hui