2024 World Series of Poker

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Table 139Seat 2
130,000 -5,000
Table 108Seat 5
Table 108Seat 5
10,000 -24,800
Table 139Seat 2
24,800 -9,000
Table 130Seat 4
55,000 -7,000
Table 120Seat 1
49,500 -5,000
Table 105Seat 4

2nd break

54,500 11,700
Table 105Seat 4

Flopped quad jacks!

42,800 21,800
Table 105Seat 4

Turned a straight with QJs and almost doubled

34,800 9,100
Table 139Seat 2
21,000 -17,600
Table 105Seat 4

Got up to 44,000 but then rough hand. AKo vs KTc. AcQcTh b70c Js b25r50 (we both have nuts, he has fldr). 9c :'-( xb50c.

62,000 2,000
Table 120Seat 1