2024 World Series of Poker

Iacopo Brandi Eliminated in 24th Place ($5,624)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Iacopo Brandi
Iacopo Brandi

Iacopo Brandi bet pot from the button for 700,000 and Damon Sita raised pot from the small blind to cover Brandi's remaining chips. The big blind got out of the way and cards were revealed.

Iacopo Brandi: J1076 All in
Damon Sita: AKK9

The board ran out JQA109 to give Sita an ace-high flush and defeat Brandi's lower flush, eliminating him in 24th place.

Player Chips Progress
Damon Sita us
Damon Sita
Iacopo Brandi it
Iacopo Brandi

Tags: Damon SitaIacopo Brandi