2024 World Series of Poker

Patur Bluffs With the Best Hand

Level 35 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Evan Benton opened the button to 1,250,000 with 85 and Balakrishna Patur called holding Q8.

The flop came J9K and after Patur checked, Benton fired 2,200,000, and Patur called.

A J fell on the turn which went check-check to the 2 river. Patur put together a bet of 6,000,000, and Benton quickly folded.

Player Chips Progress
Evan Benton us
Evan Benton
WSOP 1X Winner
Balakrishna Patur us
Balakrishna Patur

Tags: Balakrishna PaturEvan Benton