2024 World Series of Poker

Patur Picks Up Jacks

Level 35 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Balakrishna Patur raised to 1,000,000 on the button with JJ and Evan Benton peeled from the big blind holding A3.

The dealer put out a flop of 7K7 which Benton checked. Patur bet 1,000,000, and Benton called.

A 2 turn went check-check to the 6 river. Both players checked and Patur took it down with his pocket jacks.

Player Chips Progress
Balakrishna Patur us
Balakrishna Patur
Evan Benton us
Evan Benton
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Balakrishna PaturEvan Benton