2024 World Series of Poker

Diamonds Are Benton's Best Friend

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Andres Gonzalez opened the button to 500,000 and Evan Benton shoved from the big blind for 1,500,000. Gonzalez called.

Evan Benton: A9 All in
Andrez Gonzalez: A10

Benton was at risk but his survival instincts kicked in as he backdoored a flush on the 865K2 board which kept him alive with eight players remaining.

Player Chips Progress
Andres Gonzalez es
Andres Gonzalez
Day 2 Chip Leader
Evan Benton us
Evan Benton
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andres GonzalezEvan Benton