2024 World Series of Poker

Vayssieres Dents Pahuja's Stack

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Nicolas Vayssieres
Nicolas Vayssieres

Action folded to Mukul Pahuja on the button who raised to 475,000, and Nicolas Vayssieres shoved all in for around 1,700,000 from the small blind. The big blind folded, but Pahuja made the call.

Nicolas Vayssieres: AJ All in
Mukul Pahuja: A9

Vayssieres was in the lead and stayed there as the board ran out 36438 which doubled up the Frenchman with ten players remaining.

Player Chips Progress
Mukul Pahuja us
Mukul Pahuja
Nicolas Vayssieres fr
Nicolas Vayssieres

Tags: Mukul PahujaNicolas Vayssieres