2024 World Series of Poker

Benton Triples Up

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Nick Maimone opened to 400,000 from under the gun, then Guofeng Wang on the button decided to go all in with the biggest stack of the table. Evan Benton shoved as well for approximately 750,000, and Maimone snap-called.

Evan Benton: AQ All in
Nick Maimone: KK All in
Guofeng Wang: KJ

Maimone was on his way to take a massive pot, but after the 674 flop, Benton hit the A turn to triple up after the 9 river. Maimone still won the side pot.

Player Chips Progress
Guofeng Wang cn
Guofeng Wang
Evan Benton us
Evan Benton
WSOP 1X Winner
Nick Maimone us
Nick Maimone
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Evan BentonGuofeng WangNick Maimone