2024 World Series of Poker

Jason Corbett Eliminated in 11th Place ($30,304)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Jason Corbett
Jason Corbett

Jason Corbett shoved all in for 1,275,000 and Haiyang Yang made the call.

Jason Corbett: 44 All in
Haiyang Yang: A3

"Please hold!" said Corbett.

That hold didn't look likely as Yang paired his ace on the A2K flop.

A 5 turn meant Corbett could no longer hit a four, but he didn't seem to realize that as the 4 fell on the river which made him celebrate. It took around 20 seconds for Corbett to finally see that Yang had hit a straight, then he vacated the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Haiyang Yang cn
Haiyang Yang
Jason Corbett us
Jason Corbett

Tags: Haiyang YangJason Corbett