2024 World Series of Poker

Lezcano Fills Up

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Eduardo Lezcano
Eduardo Lezcano

Another battle between Eduardo Lezcano and Matthew Beinner began with Beinner opening to 300,000 on the button. Lezcano called in the big blind and the dealer revealed the 1010A flop.

Lezcano checked to Beinner, who fired 250,000. The call was made to see the A turn, where both players checked.

Another check from Lezcano followed the 6 river, with Beinner asking for a count before announcing all in. Lezcano made the call and was at risk.

Lezcano showed 106332 for a full house, taking down the pot and doubling his stack through Beinner.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Beinner us
Matthew Beinner
Eduardo Lezcano us
Eduardo Lezcano

Tags: Eduardo LezcanoMatthew Beinner