2024 World Series of Poker

Bretzfield Quarters Lindsey

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

When action folded to Dylan Lindsay in the cutoff he raised to 330,000 and was only called by Matthew Bretzfield in the small blind.

The flop came 3J7 and Bretzfield check-called the bet of 350,000 from Lindsay.

Both players checked after the 9 on the turn.

The river brought the A and after Bretzfield checked, Lindsay bet out 1,200,000. Bretzfield said "What am I going to get quartered?" before making the call.

However it was Lindsay the one getting quartered after he tabled A6642 for a a pair of aces but no kicker. Bretzfield showed down AQK42 for a pair of aces with a queen kicker to take the high, and both players chopped the low with deuce-four.

Player Chips Progress
Dylan Lindsey us
Dylan Lindsey
Matthew Bretzfield us
Matthew Bretzfield

Tags: Dylan LindsayMatthew Bretzfield