2024 World Series of Poker

John Bunch Eliminated in 8th Place ($33,035)

Level 29 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
John Bunch
John Bunch

Michael Christ raised from middle position, when John Bunch in the hijack went all in for 80,000. Damjan Radanov in the small blind called the riase, as did Matthew Bretzfield in the big blind.

The flop came 5Q5 and the action checked to the turn.

On the turn was the 3 and Radanov bet 325,000, Bretzfield folded, and Christ made the call.

The river was the 5 to complete the board. Radanov bet 700,000 and Christ quickly folded.

Radanov turned over AJ532 for quad fives, and as Bunch was leaving the table he showed AKQ72.

Player Chips Progress
Damjan Radanov us
Damjan Radanov
Michael Christ us
Michael Christ
WSOP 1X Winner
Matthew Bretzfield us
Matthew Bretzfield
John Bunch us
John Bunch

Tags: Damjan RadanovJohn BunchMatthew BretzfieldMichael Christ