2024 World Series of Poker

Elia Ahmadian Eliminated in 12th Place ($18,362)

Level 27 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Elia Ahmadian
Elia Ahmadian

Action was picked up on the turn with the board showing 5636. Elia Ahmadian made a bet and Daniel Strelitz called to go to the river which came the 10.

Ahmadian fired 575,000. Strelitz took a bit before moving all in to make Ahmadian decide for his remaining stack of about 750,000.

Ahmadian took his time and eventually the clock was called. As the 30 second countdown began, he called.

Elia Ahmadian: K10 All in
Daniel Strelitz: A10

Strelitz tabled the nut flush hammer to knock Ahmadian out the tournament in 12th.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Strelitz us
Daniel Strelitz
WSOP 2X Winner
Elia Ahmadian us
Elia Ahmadian

Tags: Daniel StrelitzElia Ahmadian