2024 World Series of Poker

Weisman's Turn Bet Earns the Pot

Level 34 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante

Chino Rheem limped in the small blind and Dylan Weisman checked his option.

The dealer spread a flop of AA6, and Rheem led for 400,000. Weisman made the call.

When the 4 hit the turn, Rheem check-folded to a bet of 1,200,000.

"I know you floated," Said Rheem, "It's okay."

Weisman claimed to have a full house as he pulled in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Dylan Weisman us
Dylan Weisman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Steve Zolotow us
Steve Zolotow
WSOP 2X Winner
Chino Rheem us
Chino Rheem
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Chino RheemDylan Weisman