2024 World Series of Poker

Zolotow Takes With His Showdown

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 265,000 ante
Steve Zolotow
Steve Zolotow

Dylan Weisman limped in from the small blind and Steve Zolotow raised to 750,000. Weisman made the call.

The flop came down J96 and both players checked.

The dealer put out the 8 on the turn and Weisman fired 900,000. Zolotow called.

The river bricked out with the 3 and action went check-check. Zolotow dragged the pot in with AJ102.

Player Chips Progress
Steve Zolotow us
Steve Zolotow
WSOP 2X Winner
Dylan Weisman us
Dylan Weisman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Dylan WeismanSteve Zolotow