2024 World Series of Poker

Jhojan Rivera Eliminated in 6th Place ($55,034)

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Jhojan Rivera
Jhojan Rivera

The action folded around to Chino Rheem who raised in the small blind and Jhojan Rivera shoved for about 400,000 in the big blind. Rheem made the call and both hands were tabled.

Jhojan Rivera: AKQ5 All in
Chino Rheem: A1098

The 95286 runout gave Rheem a flush to eliminate Rivera in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Chino Rheem us
Chino Rheem
$25K Fantasy
Jhojan Rivera us
Jhojan Rivera

Tags: Chino RheemJhojan Rivera