2024 World Series of Poker

Vladislav Klepikov Eliminated in 17th Place ($15,119)

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Vladislav Klepikov
Vladislav Klepikov

Vladislav Klepikov opened 150,000 on the button and both Jhojan Rivera and Daniel Swartz called in the blinds.

When the J82 flop hit the felt Rivera led for 350,000. Swartz quickly folded, but Klepikov stuck around with a call.

The 5 hit the turn, and Rivera piled his stack of 700,000 across the line. Klepikov snap-called for his remaining stack of about 600,000 and both hands were tossed on their backs.

Vladislav Klepikov: KKQ3 All in
Jhojan Rivera: JJ98

Klepikov had an over pair and a flush draw but was unable to connect as the 7 landed on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Jhojan Rivera us
Jhojan Rivera
Daniel Swartz us
Daniel Swartz
Vladislav Klepikov ru
Vladislav Klepikov

Tags: Daniel SwartzJhojan Rivera