2024 World Series of Poker

Another Double for Rivera

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Jhojan Rivera
Jhojan Rivera

Daniel Swartz opened 100,000 under the gun and Jhojan Rivera defended the big blind.

When the 964 flop hit the felt, Rivera jammed for his last 215,000 and Swartz wasted no time making the call.

Jhojan Rivera: KJ74 All in
Daniel Swartz: AA103

It wasn't looking looking promising for Rivera as the K hit the turn, giving Swartz the nut flush but the 4 river improved him to a full house to score another double.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Swartz us
Daniel Swartz
Jhojan Rivera us
Jhojan Rivera

Tags: Daniel SwartzJhojan Rivera