2024 World Series of Poker

Rivera Cracks Aces to Double Through Zolotow

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Jhojan Rivera
Jhojan Rivera

Richard Ashby limped before Jhojan Rivera raised 130,000 in the cutoff. Steve Zolotow put in another raise to 405,000, forcing Ashby to fold and Rivera called off his 335,000.

Jhojan Rivera: AQJ8 All in
Steve Zolotow: AAK2

The 10108 flop gave Rivera a pair and a straight draw and the 9 turn improved him to a straight to take the lead. The board paired with the 9 on the river as Zolotow congratulated Rivera on winning.

Player Chips Progress
Steve Zolotow us
Steve Zolotow
WSOP 2X Winner
Richard Ashby gb
Richard Ashby
WSOP 2X Winner
Jhojan Rivera us
Jhojan Rivera

Tags: Jhojan RiveraRichard AshbySteve Zolotow