2024 World Series of Poker

Stoyanov Wins Monster Pot

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Action folded around to Radoslav Stoyanov who limped in from the small blind, Pierre Jeffredo raised from the big blind to 650,000. Stoyanov then announced that he was all in, Jeffredo took some time to contemplate his options before making the call that put his tournament life at risk.

Pierre Jeffredo :AJAll in
Radoslav Stoyanov :66

The board ran out 854103 awarding Stoyanov one of the largest pots in the tournament to date.

Player Chips Progress
Radoslav Stoyanov bg
Radoslav Stoyanov
Pierre Jeffredo fr
Pierre Jeffredo

Tags: Pierre JeffredoRadoslav Stoyanov