2024 World Series of Poker

Jesse Yaginuma Eliminated in 4th Place ($72,115)

Level 36 : Blinds 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Jesse Yaginuma
Jesse Yaginuma

Jesse Yaginuma went all in for just over 5,000,000 in chips before Nevan Chang asked for a count. "Ten big blinds?!" is what he asked himself before declaring all in himself. They were heads up with five cards to come.

Jesse Yaginuma: AJ
Nevan Chang: KQ

Chang pulled his camera out to Vlog the run out and he shouted the hands to his rail to sweat.

The flop came the Q59, giving top pair to Chang and the flush draw to Yaginuma. The turn and river rolled the 10 and 7, chipping Chang up yet again and sending Yaginuma on his way to payouts.

Player Chips Progress
Nevan Chang tw
Nevan Chang
Jesse Yaginuma us
Jesse Yaginuma

Tags: Jesse YaginumaNevan Chang