2024 World Series of Poker

Anthony Monin Eliminated in 9th Place ($18,866)

Level 35 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Anthony Monin
Anthony Monin

Having only just doubled on the previous hand, Jesse Yaginuma watched as Anthony Monin moved all in for 1,400,000 from the button. Yaginuma re-shoved from the small blind, and the big blind folded.

Anthony Monin: KJ All in
Jesse Yaginuma: AQ

Yaginuma had again woken up with a good starting hand and again held on the all-in on the 108462 board to send Monin to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Jesse Yaginuma us
Jesse Yaginuma
Anthony Monin fr
Anthony Monin

Tags: Anthony MoninJesse Yaginuma