2024 World Series of Poker

Sam Porta Eliminated in 10th Place ($14,846)

Level 35 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Sam Porta
Sam Porta

Sam Porta went all in for 300,000 under the gun, and Ron Schindelheim in middle position raised to 1,500,000. Action folded around and Porta was at risk.

Sam Porta: A6 All in
Ron Schindelheim: AJ

Porta would need help to stay alive, the flop came out 736 giving Porta fours for additional straight outs.

The turn came the 3 to give Porta chop outs as well, but when the 9 came on the river, Porta was officially eliminated, and Schindelheim took down the pot and claimed the bounty.

Player Chips Progress
Ron Schindelheim ca
Ron Schindelheim
Sam Porta us
Sam Porta

Tags: Ron SchindelheimSam Porta