2024 World Series of Poker

Al Shonesky Eliminated In 13th Place ($11,796)

Level 33 : Blinds 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Al Shonesky
Al Shonesky

Sam Porta was forced all in from the big blind for his last 150,000, and Al Shonesky raised all in for 1,600,000. It folded to Nevan Chang in the cutoff, who made the call. Action folded around and the cards were on their back, with Shonesky and Porta at risk.

Sam Porta: 83 All in
Al Shonesky: AJ All in
Nevan Chang: A7

Shonesky was poised for the double up until the 478 flop and now needed help to stay in the tournament.

The turn was the 9 to give Shonesky extra outs with a 10 for a straight, but the river was the 4, eliminating Shonesky in 13th place, and giving Chang the side pot with a pair of sevens.

Sam Porta was able to win the main pot and triple up, with a pair of eights.

Player Chips Progress
Nevan Chang tw
Nevan Chang
Sam Porta us
Sam Porta
Al Shonesky us
Al Shonesky

Tags: Al ShoneskyNevan ChangSam Porta