2024 World Series of Poker

Marcus Laffen Eliminated in 19th Place ($7,671)

Level 32 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Marcus Laffen shoved from early position for his last 900,000. It folded around to Hrair Yapoudjian in the big blind who called.

Marcus Laffen: 99 All in
Hrair Yapoudjian: KK

It didn't get better for Laffen as Yapoudjian flopped a set on the KQ648 and Laffen was dead on the turn, heading to the rail in 19th place as the players redrew for the last two tables.

Player Chips Progress
Hrair Yapoudjian ca
Hrair Yapoudjian
Marcus Laffen us
Marcus Laffen

Tags: Hrair YapoudjianMarcus Laffen