2024 World Series of Poker

Joe Shammas Eliminated in 23rd Place ($7,671)

Level 30 : 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Joe Shammas raised all in early position for his last 225,000, before it folded around to the big blind Nevan Chang, who made the call.

Joe Shammas: 22 All in
Nevan Chang: 82

Shammas was in great shape, but the 3AK flop made things interesting, giving Chang a flush draw to go along with his one over card.

The turn was the 2 giving Shammas a set, but now behind the flush Chang,

Needing the board to pair to stay alive, the river was the 6, officially eliminating Shammas in 23rd place.

Player Chips Progress
Nevan Chang tw
Nevan Chang
Joe Shammas us
Joe Shammas

Tags: Joe ShammasNevan Chang