2024 World Series of Poker

Sarah Kilborn-Strand Eliminated in 26th Place ($7,671)

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Sarah Kilborn-Strand
Sarah Kilborn-Strand

Sarah Kilborn-Strand opened from early position and Ron Schindelheim three-bet from the small blind. Kilborn-Strand shoved and John Doe called.

Sarah Kilborn-Strand: A2 All in
Ron Schindelheim: AQ

There was no help for Kilborn-Strand on the A87108 runout and she was eliminated in 26th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ron Schindelheim ca
Ron Schindelheim
Sarah Kilborn-Strand us
Sarah Kilborn-Strand

Tags: Ron SchindelheimSarah Kilborn-Strand