2024 World Series of Poker

Perhaps It's Written for Britton

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

After being down to just over two big blinds with only 140,000 in chips; Simon Britton has spun himself back into contention.

Simon Britton went all in for just about 700,000 and was looked up by Brian Fay in the blind.

Simon Britton: 44 All in
Brian Fay: A10

When the board ran out, 2K28Q, Britton shouted, "We're back!". He's been so hyped up the past hour and a half he can hardly sit in his seat.

Fay was left short after this hand and was seen exiting the tournament area shortly after.

Player Chips Progress
Simon Britton us
Simon Britton
Brian Fay us
Brian Fay

Tags: Brian FaySimon Britton