2024 World Series of Poker

Ellis and Kador Both Eliminated

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Action was picked up on a flop of 679 when a Dylan Ellis bet out 625,000 leaving 5,000 chips behind. Sarah Kilborn-Strand then put Ellis all in, who after waiting to see if he could make a pay jump, made the call.

Dylan Ellis: AK
Sarah Kilborn-Strand: 66

Ellis was drawing to running straight cards to chop after Killborn-Strand flopped a set, but the A on the turn had him drawing dead, when the 7 on the river came.

On a nearby table moments later, Ran Kador in early position went all in for 100,00 chips and was called by Simon Britton on the button, putting Kador at risk.

Ran Kador: 97
Simon Britton: AA

Kador was in desperate shape, but the 8JQ did give Kador some outs in the form of a 10 for a straight. However, the K turn removed those outs and the 4 river officially eliminated Kador.

Player Chips Progress
Sarah Kilborn-Strand us
Sarah Kilborn-Strand
Simon Britton us
Simon Britton
Dylan Ellis ca
Dylan Ellis
Ran Kador
Ran Kador

Tags: Dylan EllisRan KadorSarah Kilborn-StrandSimon Britton