2024 World Series of Poker

Aces No Good for Altavilla

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Marcus Laffen shoved for just under 300,000. A second player shoved and Kurt Altavilla also moved all in with the remaining players folding.

Kurt Altavilla: AA All in
Marcus Laffen: K9 All in
Player 3: AQ

"First to turn them over wins," said Laffen after turning over his hand. The 557 gave him a flush draw. The turn was the J but the river J completed Laffen's flush and send Altavilla to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Marcus Laffen us
Marcus Laffen
Kurt Altavilla us
Kurt Altavilla

Tags: Kurt AltavillaMarcus Laffen