2024 World Series of Poker

Wild Runout for Shahar

Level 7 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Dan Shahar
Dan Shahar

Players were seen reacting to an exciting runout in a hand involving a full house and a straight flush. Cameras were out flashing pictures of the board and the players recapped what ensued.

On a flop of 987, Dan Shahar got it all in versus his opponent, who was at risk.

Opponent: 89 All in
Dan Shahar: 710

The 9 turn gave the at-risk player a full house, however the 6 river improved Shahar's hand to a straight flush. Shahar was awarded the pot, a bounty, and a fun memory.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Shahar
Dan Shahar

Tags: Dan Shahar