2024 World Series of Poker

Beetel Collects Back to Back Bounties

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Nick Beetel was seen all in preflop with pocket kings, covering his opponent who had pocket tens. The board ran out 7x6x8xQx8x, awarding Beetel the pot and a bounty.

The very next hand, Beetel raised to 1,300 from under the gun and the player in middle position moved all in for 6,600. It folded back around to Beetel, who made the call in search of another bounty.

Middle position: A6 All in
Nick Beetel: KQ

The board ran out 3K463, and Beetel knocked out another player.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Beetel
Nick Beetel

Tags: Nick Beetel