2024 World Series of Poker

Day: 1
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Britton Battles Back

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Simon Britton, who was left with just 140,000 after losing two back to back all-ins, found himself involved in a three-way all-in, with his tournament life at risk.

Simon Britton: KxJx All in
Opponent: AxKx
Opponent: 8x7x

The board ran out QxJx9xQxQx and the two players who had Britton covered checked it down. Britton was pleased to see that his full house was the best hand, securing him the triple up.

The next hand, action folded around to Britton who shoved all in, which got through, and helped him chip up to 700,000.

Player Chips Progress
Simon Britton us
Simon Britton

Tags: Simon Britton

Borella Finds Back to Back Double Ups

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Simon Britton moved all in from under the gun for 625,000 and Steven Borella called in the hijack for 90,000, putting himself at risk.

Steven Borella: A2 All in
Simon Britton: 55

Borella pulled ahead on the A47 flop, hitting his ace, but Britton drilled the 5 on the turn, hitting a set. The 3 river saved Borella, who pulled ahead once again and bested Britton's set with a straight.

The very next hand, Borella and Britton got it all in preflop again, this time with Borella holding Ax10x and Britton having Ax3x. The board ran out Q2259, and Borella doubled up once again. Britton was left with 140,000.

Player Chips Progress
Steven Borella us
Steven Borella
Simon Britton us
Simon Britton

Tags: Simon BrittonSteven Borella

Level: 27

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 80,000

Yarlagadda Busts Menga

Level 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

On a flop of 9Q3 with a pot of around 325,000, Srinivasa Yarlagadda raised from middle position and Patrick Menga re-raised from the hijack when Yarlagadda quickly called.

The turn brought the 10x and both players checked.

The 9x made Yarlagadda shove all in with Menga making the call and the players showed their hands.

Menga: KxQxAll in
Yarlagadda: KxJx

Yarlagadda took it down with the straight and Menga left the tournament with around 50 players remaining.

Player Chips Progress
Srinivasa Yarlagadda us
Srinivasa Yarlagadda
Patrick Menga
Patrick Menga

Tags: Patrik MengaSrinivasa Yarlagadda

Arieh Takes From Shammas

Level 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Josh Arieh opened to 125,000 and got two callers including Joe Shammas on the button.

The flop was AK7 and it checked to Arieh who continued for 150,000. Shammas was the only caller.

The turn 8 was checked by both players and the river was the K. Arieh bet 225,000 and Shammas eventually folded.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Joe Shammas us
Joe Shammas

Tags: Josh AriehJoe Shammas

Yarlagadda Wins a Massive Pot

Level 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Srinivasa Yarlagadda raised in middle position to 120,000 and in the big blind Cody Kocian raised all in for 850,000, and Yarlagadda made the call.

Cody Kocian AJ All in
Srinivasa Yarlagadda AK

The board ran out 984A7 giving Yarlagadda the pot with his top pair, top kicker.

Player Chips Progress
Srinivasa Yarlagadda us
Srinivasa Yarlagadda
Cody Kocian
Cody Kocian

Tags: Cody KocianSrinivasa Yarlagadda

Ellis Chips Away at Players

Level 26 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Dylan Ellis found himself under the gun when the big blind re-raised the stakes by shoving all in on a 67K flop.

Big Blind : KQAll in
Dylan Ellis: 66

The 7 turn gave Ellis the boat and A river didn't change the outcome, as Ellis sent another player to the rail and collected their bounty.

Player Chips Progress
Dylan Ellis ca
Dylan Ellis

Tags: Dylan Ellis

Ladies Favor the Bold

Level 26 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Table #154 was in uproar after Kevin O'Donnel, who was holding QQ rivered the Q on a board that read 736A against the AK of one opponent and the A10 of his other opponent. This left the player with big slick only 40,000 in chips and no bounties were awarded.

The Next Hand:

Under the gun opened and when it folded to the button, they went all in. The small blind was the short-stacked player from the previous hand and he put his chips in the middle. Brian Fay, in the big blind, went all in for much more and the initial raiser called.

Button: AJ All in
Small Blind: 910 All in
Big Blind QQ
Under the Gun: AK

The board ran out 79JQ9, rewarding Fay a massive pot and two bounties.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Fay us
Brian Fay
Kevin O'Donell us
Kevin O'Donell

Tags: Brian FayKevin O'Donnel

Cada and Chen Eliminated

Level 26 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Joe Cada
Joe Cada

Joe Cada was all in for just 10,000 from under the gun. Chongyou Chen then shoved for 605,000 before Chris Hunichen reshoved, forcing out everyone else.

Joe Cada: 102 All in
Chongyou Chen: A10 All in
Chris Hunichen: AJ

Hunichen had the chance to knock out two players and claim their bounties, but Cada flopped a pair on KQ2Q3 to triple, with Chen eliminated.

On the very next hand, the under the gun player raised to 100,000 before Yoon Kim shoved. Joe Cada moved all in from the big blind and the initial raiser folded.

Joe Cada: K8 All in
Yoon Kim: 77

Cada was feeling more positive with two overcards to the pocket pair, but the A639J board offered him no help and he was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Hunichen us
Chris Hunichen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Yoon Kim us
Yoon Kim
Joe Cada us
Joe Cada
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Chongyou Chen us
Chongyou Chen

Tags: Chongyou ChenChris HunichenJoe CadaYoon Kim