2024 World Series of Poker

Palau Makes Big Call on River

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Daniel Palau made a raise from the cutoff for 325,000 and Joseph Brumpacheco made the call from the big blind. The flop arrived with 9J7 and both players checked.

The turn brought the 8 and Brumpacheco bet 575,000 and Palau called.

On the river 7 Palau checked and Brumpacheco moved all in for 1,635,000. Palau calculated for a long time and finally made the call.
Daniel Palau: A9 All in
Joseph Brumpacheco: 45

Brumpacheco was caught with the bluff and Palau doubled his stack with his two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Palau es
Daniel Palau
Day 2 Chip Leader
Joseph Brumpacheco br
Joseph Brumpacheco

Tags: Daniel PalauJoseph Brumpacheco