2024 World Series of Poker

Dukic Picks Off Tasyurek's Bluff

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Nenad Dukic raised to 160,000 from the hijack and Halil Tasyurek called out of the small blind.

The flop fell 57Q and Tasyurek check-called a bet of 225,000 from Dukic.

Both players checked the 5 turn to see a 2 hit the river. Tasyurek led out for 350,000, and Dukic called not long after.

Tasyurek tabled J9 for just jack-high, and Dukic showed 44 for the winner with a pair of fours.

Player Chips Progress
Halil Tasyurek tr
Halil Tasyurek
Nenad Dukic rs
Nenad Dukic

Tags: Halil TasyurekNenad Dukic