2024 WSOP PokerNews Deepstack Challenge

PNDC Updates
Week: 4

PNDC Week 4 Leaderboard After June 18

1Rudy Ayala804
2Joseph Crowley717
3Ludovic David664
4Michael Evans439
5Yuanzhi Cao402
6Daniel Lacey362
7Rex Jensen332
8Matthew Riffel323
9Scott Mikesell322
10Maksym Lavrov302
11Arkado Gadelov299
12Jerry Ferrantino287
13Logan Bunnis281
14Thomas Pipe269
15Ronald Herron266
16Matthew Kramer251
17Peter Priest249
18David Matsumoto241
19Royce Baker233
20Shane Haddock221
21Brian Sommatino215
22Ethan Hoang201
23Minjeong Kim199
24Philip Tardif197
25Haroldo Reyna183
26Marcelina Iaquinto179
27Dor Peleg166
28Antoinette Leblanc161
29Arthur Renteria161
30Barbara Visher161
31Charlton Hawes161
32Christiphor Herrin161
33David Edison161
34Eddy Asady161
35Enid Britton161
36Fatmawati Santoso161
37Hani Awad161
38Hunter Cole161
39Jamel Ghizaoui161
40John Park161
41Jordan Moan161
42Jose Castaneda161
43Larry Wood161
44Marcus Moulton161
45Maxwell Kluh161
46Mitzy Oliver161
47Richard Hare161
48Sean Westra161
49Simon Duprat161
50Takehiko Kanazawa161
51Timothy Marcus161
52William Stull161
53Charles Morrow143
54Dov Peterfreund143
55Jason Gilbert143
56Robert Schiffbauer143
57Shane Rose143
58Jared Stearns133
59Jay Rethaford133
60Jonathan Higgs133
61Oz Jensen133
62Paul Rhoades133
63Theodore Edwards133
64Adel Jo80
65Aldo Martinez80
66Alessio Peciarolo80
67Allen Simon80
68Anibal Pacheco80
69Brian Mcdaniel80
70Cindy Stenbeck80
71Daniel Greenwald80
72Darrick Arreola80
73David Allison80
74Elwood Gray80
75Eric Gilmore80
76Fabien Dietsch80
77Felicia Tucker80
78Gary Hastings80
79Glenn Stout80
80James Khoury80
81Josef Schneider80
82Julian Neumann80
83Julien Denis80
84Kenneth Mackey80
85Kenneth Shapiro80
86Ki Hong80
87Killian Pie80
88Matthew Henigan80
89Maxime Conte80
90Michael Panos80
91Nesly Jean-Baptiste80
92Nicholas Hobbs80
93Rama Pakala80
94Robert Barile80
95Ronald Miller80
96Sridhar Sangannagari80
97Teresa Jacquez80
98Thomas Jackson80
99Timothy Holzer80
100Arthur Pirint72
101Brad Core72
102Donald Yucius72
103Hongru Zhang72
104Jamys Williams72
105Joseph Erickson72
106Yuhang Chen72
107Antonio Bueti66
108Benjamin Bejssiakov66
109Bhasker Ravikanti66
110Christophe Delerm66
111Dan Godkin66
112Jialun Chen66
113Josh Wilder66
114Raphael Flajolet66
115Aaron Heidel40
116Angelo Campanile40
117Austin Gates40
118Bradon Borgardt40
119Carl Smith40
120Chechun Chu40
121Christopher Schrader40
122Daniel Eichhorn40
123David Botvinik40
124David Glenn40
125David Jerney40
126Donald Stump40
127Doniquzs Gray40
128Eric Benavides40
129Firas Babby40
130Frank Reichel40
131Glenn Larson40
132Glenn Owens40
133Gregory Feldman40
134Heiko Bahr40
135Ile Wu40
136Jana Muller40
137Jason Fazzone40
138Jason Morin40
139Jason Pass40
140Jeffrey Glaittli40
141Jeffrey Tench40
142Joerg Schneegass40
143John Cornelison40
144John Sweeney40
145Josue Morales40
146Juan Roldanmolinos40
147Julian Mann40
148Justin Gutierrez40
149Kevin Martorana40
150Li Shen40
151Luca Campagnoli40
152Martha German40
153Martin Gorenc40
154Matthew Stein40
155Michael Criscione40
156Michael Doucette40
157Michael Lo40
158Morgan Lee40
159Nicole Lilomaiava40
160Patrick Zoeller40
161Raul Garza40
162Ricardo Topete40
163Robert Dukes40
164Roger Wentz40
165Samuel Bovy40
166Shawn Gill40
167Sherri Simpson40
168Stuart Wallace40
169Thierry Madine40
170Thomas Henager40
171Thomas Mitchell40
172Thomas Rostin40
173Timothy Hallinan40
174Tolga Ismen40
175William Koenig40
176Eric Apikian36
177Erik Erickson36
178Fan Zhang36
179Paul Colwell36
180Pedro Filipe Cabeca36
181Rachelle Park36
182Rajesh Mehta36
183Roy Davis36
184Steven Goodemote36
185Thomas Savitsky36
186William Byrnes36
187Anthony Blake33
188Christopher Swan33
189Corey Tazewell33
190Ginold Rendel33
191Glyn Anderson33
192Henry Mania33
193Hongguo Chen33
194Jonathan Dasilva33
195Mark Ross33
196Michael Dunn33
197Nicole Schwartz33
198Roni Tal33
199Shifeng Zhang33
200Steven Lauson33

PNDC Week 4 Winners

DateEventEntriesPrize PoolWinnerPrize
Tue 18 Jun$250 No Limit Hold'em875$175,000Rudy Ayala$26,222
Tue 18 Jun$400 No Limit Hold'em212$69,960Joseph Crowley$15,658
Tue 18 Jun$200 No Limit Hold'em245$37,975Ludovic David$8,146

Highlights From Week 1 of the PNDC at the 2024 WSOP

Daily Deepstacks PN
Daily Deepstacks PN

Amidst the excitement of the 2024 World Series of Poker, the PokerNews Deepstack Challenge (PNDC) has been making waves at Horseshoe and Paris in Las Vegas.

For those new to the scene, PokerNews has revamped this summer’s Daily Deepstacks, shining a spotlight on the unsung heroes of low-stakes poker and dedicated amateurs. To further entice these bedrock poker fans, PokerNews has stumped up 40 tickets through a leaderboard promotion to our exclusive bracelet event, the $600 PokerNews Deepstack Championship.

Every week, the top ten players on the leaderboard earn one of these coveted tickets and with the first week already concluded, be sure to dive into the highlights from Week 1!

Read the highlights here!

Charlie Hawes & Olga Iermolcheva Shine in Week 3 of PokerNews Deepstack Challenge

Olga Iermolcheva & Charlie Hawes
Olga Iermolcheva & Charlie Hawes

The PokerNews Deepstack Challenge (PNDC) has entered its fourth and final week, with the results from Week 3 leaderboard all in the books.

New Zealand poker player Charlie Hawes became the first non-American to win the weekly leaderboard, which sends the best ten players into the $600 PokerNews Deepstack Championship bracelet event.

Hawes followed in the footsteps of Raymond Chiu and Duy Ho, who topped the leaderboard in Week 1 and Week 2 and was the latest recipient of a PNDC trophy.

Poker superstar Olga Iermolcheva also found herself in the Daily Deepstack streets and dominated her respective field to walk away with a five-figure haul along with a PNDC winner's coin.

Read the PNDC Week 3 Highlights Here

Time for a Night Cap in the 8 p.m. $200 Daily Deepstack


Wrap up your day with some thrilling poker action! The final Daily Deepstack of the day kicks off at 8 p.m. as a single-day showdown. With a $200 buy-in, you'll start with a 20,000 stack of chips.

For those who like to make a dramatic entrance, late registration is open until the start of Level 6 (approx 10:20 p.m.), and you can reenter as many times as you want until then. Each level lasts 20 minutes, with plenty of 15-minute breaks throughout the evening.

Blinds start at 100/100, and the big blind ante is in play right from the start. If this event runs long, the tournament director reserves the right to suspend play and resume the following day.

LevelBB AnteBlindsBreaks / Chip Removals
6800400-800Remove 100 Chips (20 Minute Break)
92,0001,000-2,000Remove 500 Chips (15 Minute Break) (Reg. ends)
1620,00010,000-20,000Remove 1,000 Chips (15 Minute Break)
22150,000100,000-150,00015 Minute Break
281,000,000500,000-1,000,00015 Minute Break