2023 World Series of Poker

Event #93: $10,000 Short Deck Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Big Sweat for Ermin

Level 17 : Blinds 0/0, 8,000 ante

After two limps, Ivan Ermin moved all in from the cutoff and Martin Nielsen made the call from under the gun to put him at risk.

Ivan Ermin: AK
Martin Nielsen: AK

In most situations, the players will chop this hand up, but the flop of 86Q gave Nielsen a freeroll as he had nut backdoor spade outs.

The turn J gave him a full-on flush draw and Ermin had to sweat the river to avoid a spade but luckily for him, it came the J and they chopped it up.

"Hey, I think you made 16,000," Eric Wasserson chimed in as they took their bets back.

Player Chips Progress
Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Ivan Ermin ru
Ivan Ermin
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Eric WassersonIvan ErminMartin Nielsen

Level: 18

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 10,000

Nielsen Bets Turn To Take One

Level 18 : 0/0, 10,000 ante

Martin Nielsen limped in from under the gun and it folded to Hong Wei Yu on the button who made it 67,000 to go. Nielsen made the call and the flop came 1076.

Both players checked their options to the 10 turn. Nielsen took the lead with a bet of 50,000, and took down the pot when Yu let his cards go.

Player Chips Progress
Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Hong Wei Yu us
Hong Wei Yu

Tags: Hong Wei YuMartin Nielsen

Yu Bets Turn

Level 18 : Blinds 0/0, 10,000 ante

On a flop of 69Q, Eric Wasserson led out for 35,000 from middle position and Hong Wei Yu called from the button to see the turn 8.

Yu then decided to lead out for 90,000 and Wasserson looked slightly confused as he thought for a bit.

"Ok, you got it," he said as he slid his cards into the muck.

"Two-pair!" Yu announced but just showed the 9 as he was pushed the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Hong Wei Yu us
Hong Wei Yu
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Eric WassersonHong Wei Yu

Ermin Scores Double Up Off Yu

Level 18 : Blinds 0/0, 10,000 ante

Hong Wei Yu limped in from under the gun and it folded to Ivan Ermin on the button who moved all in for 412,000. Yu quickly called to put Ermin at risk and the cards were on their backs.

Ivan Ermin: AJ
Hong Wei Yu: AK

Ermin was in need of help against the better ace for Yu, and when the board ran out J76JQ, it was the trip jacks for Ermin that hit to score him a full double up off Yu.

Player Chips Progress
Hong Wei Yu us
Hong Wei Yu
Ivan Ermin ru
Ivan Ermin
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Hong Wei YuIvan Ermin

Ace-Queen Good For Wasserson

Level 18 : Blinds 0/0, 10,000 ante
Eric Wasserson
Eric Wasserson

On a flop of 8AA, Eric Wasserson and Hong Wei Yu checked to Martin Nielsen on the button who bet 60,000.

Wasserson then check-raised to 215,000 and Yu got out of the way while Nielsen made the call to see the 7 on the turn.

Wasserson kept up the pressure by betting another 250,000 and after almost using a time bank, Nielsen made the call once more.

The river came the 9 and Wasserson checked to Nielsen who took a few seconds but eventually checked back.

"Ace-queen?" Wasserson announced as he tabled AQ, hoping it was good.

"Ace-queen is good," Nielsen replied as he sent his cards into the muck and the largest pot of the day was shipped to Wasserson.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy
Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Eric WassersonHong Wei YuMartin Nielsen

Ermin Finds Another Double Up

Level 18 : Blinds 0/0, 10,000 ante
Ivan Ermin
Ivan Ermin

In a four-way limped pot on a flop of AK9, Eric Wasserson bet out 40,000 from under the gun and Ivan Ermin raised to 305,000 next to act. The rest of the table folded back to Wasserson who moved all in, covering the 664,000 total for Ermin, who quickly made the call.

Ivan Ermin: 99
Eric Wasserson: Q10

Ermin flopped bottom set, but would need to dodge the straight and flush draw for Wasserson. The board ran out 6A and Ermin improved to a full house to score the big double up and even out the stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy
Ivan Ermin ru
Ivan Ermin
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Eric WassersonIvan Ermin

Level: 19

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 12,000

Yu Four-Bets Nielsen

Level 19 : Blinds 0/0, 12,000 ante

Hong Wei Yu opened to 87,000 from the cutoff but then Martin Nielsen three-bet him to 250,000.

Yu did not think this was quite enough and he put in the cold four-bet to 587,000.

Nielsen thought about it for a couple of seconds but then decided to lay it down.

"Show the bluff!" Eric Wasserson shouted, but Yu did not show.

Player Chips Progress
Hong Wei Yu us
Hong Wei Yu
Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Eric WassersonHong Wei YuMartin Nielsen