2023 World Series of Poker

Event #92: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
500,000 / 1,000,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Eric Mizrachi Eliminated in 2nd Place ($146,335)

Level 38 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante
Eric Mizrachi
Eric Mizrachi

In less than five hands after the heads-up started, Eric Mizrachi shoved on the button for a remaining stack worth 5,100,000 and Kang Hyun Lee didn't take long to send a chip for the call for the following showdown:

Eric Mizrachi: 85
Kang Hyun Lee: K5

Mizrachi had the bad surprise to see he had the dominated hand and the board didn't bring him any help with KJQJ6, improving Lee's hand into two pair.

Mizrachi conceded the victory to Lee, congratulating him after the hand, and received $146,335 for his deep run in this event.

Player Chips Progress
Kang Hyun Lee
Kang Hyun Lee
WSOP 1X Winner
Eric Mizrachi us
Eric Mizrachi

Tags: Eric MizrachiKang Hyun Lee

Ivan Millian Eliminated in 3rd Place ($106,602)

Level 37 : Blinds 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante
Ivan Millian
Ivan Millian

Kang Hyun Lee moved all in from the button covering both blinds. Ivan Millian announced, "F*** it!" and claimed to have called blind.

Ivan Millian: AK
Kang Hyun Lee: Q10

Millian had the best of it preflop but a ten on the flop on the completed board of 105329 gave Lee a pair of tens to send Millian to the exit for his first ever recorded cash.

Player Chips Progress
Kang Hyun Lee
Kang Hyun Lee
WSOP 1X Winner
Eric Mizrachi us
Eric Mizrachi
Ivan Millian us
Ivan Millian

Tags: Ivan MillianKang Hyun Lee

Kane Kalas Eliminated in 5th Place ($59,429)

Level 35 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Kane Kalas
Kane Kalas

Ivan Millian raised to 1,200,000 on the button and Kang Hyun Lee folded his big blind but Kane Kalas announced all in in the big blind for a stack around 3,500,000. Millian snap-called for the following showdown:

Kane Kalas: AK
Ivan Millian: AJ

Kalas had the best hand and good hopes for a double up but the board brought KQ836 to give a flush to Millian and send Kalas out in 5th place for a $59,429 payday.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Millian us
Ivan Millian
Kang Hyun Lee
Kang Hyun Lee
WSOP 1X Winner
Kane Kalas us
Kane Kalas
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Ivan MillianKane KalasKang Hyun Lee

Vanessa Kade Eliminated in 8th Place ($25,749)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Vanessa Kade
Vanessa Kade

Action folded to Vanessa Kade who jammed on the button for a remaining stack around 1,650,000 and Ivan Millian didn't take long to announce the call in the small blind.

Vanessa Kade: K10
Ivan Millian: AA

Kade had the bad surprise to see aces in Millian's hand and the board didn't save her with 69253 to bust her in eighth place for a $25,749 payday.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Millian us
Ivan Millian
Vanessa Kade ca
Vanessa Kade

Tags: Ivan MillianVanessa Kade

Eider Cruz Eliminated in 9th Place ($20,041)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Eider Cruz
Eider Cruz

Eider Cruz moved all in from middle position for 2,975,000. Ivan Millian also moved all in for 3,850,000. Kane Kalas in the small blind went into the tank for two minutes before folding.

Eider Cruz: 1010
Ivan Millian: KK

Cruz's tens were crushed by Millian's cowboys. The board of 86525 was clean for Millian who grabbed the huge pot while Cruz went to the payout line.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Millian us
Ivan Millian
Eider Cruz br
Eider Cruz

Tags: Eider CruzIvan MillianKane Kalas

Quoc Le Eliminated in 10th Place ($15,778)

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Quoc Le
Quoc Le

Quoc Le open-shoved in the hijack for a total stack worth 1,500,000 and it folded to Kang Hyun Lee who verified the exact count and announced the call:

Quoc Le: Q10
Kang Hyun Lee: KQ

Le had the dominated hand and the board 484QJ didn't help him, sending him in the payout desk to collect his prize for his 10th place.

Player Chips Progress
Kang Hyun Lee
Kang Hyun Lee
WSOP 1X Winner
Quoc Le us
Quoc Le

Tags: Kang Hyun LeeQuoc Le

Ian Steinman Eliminated in 11th Place ($15,778)

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Ian Steinman
Ian Steinman

Kang Hyun Lee raised under the gun to 200,000 and it was called by Vanessa Kade before Ian Steinman decided to shove in the cutoff for 1,740,000. Kane Kalas tanked on the button and after asking for the exact count, he jammed with the bigger stack.

Lee and Kade got out of the way and they tabled their cards:

Ian Steinman: A4
Kane Kalas: QQ

Steinman didn't find any help throughout the board 26738 and had to join the rail in the 11th place for a prize worth $15,778.

Player Chips Progress
Kane Kalas us
Kane Kalas
$25K Fantasy
Kang Hyun Lee
Kang Hyun Lee
WSOP 1X Winner
Vanessa Kade ca
Vanessa Kade
Ian Steinman us
Ian Steinman
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ian SteinmanKane KalasKang Hyun LeeVanessa Kade

Naoki Matsumoto Eliminated in 12th Place ($12,567)

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Naoki Matsumoto
Naoki Matsumoto

Naoki Matsumoto open-shoved under the gun for a remaining stack worth less than five big blinds and Abdul Almagableh reshoved on the button for slightly more:

Naoki Matsumoto: Q8
Abdul Almagableh:A8

Matsumoto's hand was dominated and he went to the payout desk to collect his $12,567 after the board 3J3K4 was dealt.

Player Chips Progress
Abdul Almagableh jo
Abdul Almagableh
Naoki Matsumoto jp
Naoki Matsumoto

Tags: Abdul AlmagablehNaoki Matsumoto

Jimmy Setna Eliminated in 17th ($10,127)

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Jimmy Setna
Jimmy Setna

Kane Kalas raised and Jimmy Setna made the call in the big blind. The duo went to see a flop 856 and Setna check-called Kalas for 230,000.

Things heated on the J turn. After another check from Setna, Kalas fired 685,000 into the pot. Setna tanked for two minutes before moving all in and Kalas snap-called with a total stack worth 2,235,000:

Jimmy Setna: 107
Kane Kalas: JJ

Setna was left looking to hit his straight draws, facing a set of jacks in Kalas' hands, but bricked the A river. After the dealer confirmed that Setna had slightly less chips than Kalas, he made his way to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Kane Kalas us
Kane Kalas
$25K Fantasy
Jimmy Setna ca
Jimmy Setna
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jimmy SetnaKane Kalas

Tszhim Pun Eliminated in 18th Place ($9,259)

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Tszhim Pun
Tszhim Pun

Tzhim Pun moved all in from the button for 420,000 and was called by Ivan Millian in the small blind.

Tzhim Pun: Q8
Ivan Millian: A10

The flop of A52 gave Millian top pair, but also gave Pun a flush draw. The Q on the turn gave Pun additional outs. He could hit any queen, eight or club to win the pot, but instead the 2 landed on the river to give Millian aces and deuces and sent Pun to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Millian us
Ivan Millian
Tszhim Pun gb
Tszhim Pun

Tags: Ivan MillianTszhim Pun