2023 World Series of Poker

Event #9: $1,500 Seven Card Stud
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
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Players Info - Day 2
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Day 2 of $1,500 Seven Card Stud Set to Begin at 1 p.m.

Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Welcome back to Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas where Day 2 of Event #9: $1,500 Seven Card Stud is set to get underway at 1 p.m. Of the 361 entrants from Day 1, only 112 will return today for Day 2. Of those, Dzmitry Urbanovich leads the pack after amassing 292,000 in chips yesterday.

Other notables who will be looking to make a deep run include Shaun Deeb (255,500), Nick Schulman (241,500), Ben Yu (191,000), David Singer (128,500), Greg Mueller (111,000), and Allen Kessler (103,000), who will be looking to score his 100th WSOP cash (excluding circuit events).

Top Ten Chip Counts

PlacePlayerCountryChipsBig Bets
1Dzmitry UrbanovichPoland292,00037
2Chris HundleyUnited States261,50033
3Shaun DeebUnited States255,50032
4Nick SchulmanUnited States241,50030
5John MonnetteUnited States222,50028
6Joseph VillellaUnited States208,00026
7Ben YuUnited States191,00024
8Tim FrazinUnited States189,50024
9Victor RamdinUnited States187,50023
10Kevin IacofanoUnited States185,50023

Play will resume on Level 16, which features a 1,000 ante and bring in and 4,000-8,000 limits. Levels will be extended to 60 minutes each and play will continue for 10 levels. Fifteen-minute breaks will be held after every two levels and a 60-minute dinner break will commence after Level 21.

The money bubble will burst once the field gets down to 54 players. All players who cash will take home a minimum of $2,441. Tomorrow's eventual winner will collect $110,800 for their efforts.

Be sure to stick with PokerNews as we continue to bring you the action leading to the money bubble and eventual champion in Event #9: $1,500 Seven Card Stud!

Tags: Allen KesslerBen YuChris HundleyDavid SingerDzmitry UrbanovichGreg MuellerJohn MonnetteNick SchulmanParis Las VegasShaun Deeb

Funkhouser Doubles Through Neff

Level 16
David Funkhouser
David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser raised to two bets preflop, then Peter Neff raised to three bets, then Funkhouser called all in to put himself at risk.

David Funkhouser: KK433109
Peter Neff: 7JJA9410

Funkhouser's wired kings turned into kings and threes which bested the wired jacks of Neff and he found himself doubling up his short stack.

At another table, Mike Gorodinsky busted.

Player Chips Progress
Peter Neff us
Peter Neff
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Mike Gorodinsky us
Mike Gorodinsky
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: David FunkhouserMike GorodinskyPeter Neff

Deeb Fills Up To 500k

Level 18
Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Action was picked up in pot between Peter Lynn and Shaun Deeb on fourth street.

Peter Lynn: XxXx/7A710/Xx
Shaun Deeb: XxXx/844J/Xx

Lynn bet on fourth street and Deeb called. On fifth street Lynn checked to Deeb who bet and Lynn called.

Lynn bet out on sixth street which saw Deeb raise and Lynn called. On seventh street Lynn check called a bet from Deeb who turned over 846 for fours full of eights and the five time bracelet winner took down a sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Peter Lynn us
Peter Lynn

Tags: Peter LynnShaun Deeb

Kessler Takes Out Two

Level 19
Allen Kessler
Allen Kessler

Allen Kessler: K9/K2AK/8
Terrence Hastoo: K9/J27J/6
Dennis Kim: A10/105A4/6

Allen Kessler had Terrence Hastoo and Dennis Kim all in on third street and the dealer ran out each board.

Kessler was drawing slim for the double KO after Kim paired his ace, however, Kessler caught a third king to take a commanding lead in the hand. The remaining street ran out clean for Kessler and he took down the entire pot.

Player Chips Progress
Allen Kessler us
Allen Kessler
$25K Fantasy
Terrence Hastoo us
Terrence Hastoo
Dennis Kim us
Dennis Kim

Tags: Allen KesslerDennis KimTerrence Hastoo

Schulman Takes From Mueller

Level 20
Nick Schulman
Nick Schulman

Action was picked up on fourth in a hand where Mueller completed and Schulman called.

Nick Schulman: XxXx/5248/Xx
Greg Mueller: XxXx/103A6/Xx

Mueller bet on fourth, fifth and sixth street on which Schulman called each bet.

On seventh street, Mueller checked to Schulman who bet. Schulman turned over Q52 for fives up and Mueller mucked his hand, ceding the pot to Schulman.

At another table, Robert Campbell busted.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Greg Mueller ca
Greg Mueller
WSOP 3X Winner
Robert Campbell au
Robert Campbell
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Greg MuellerNick SchulmanRobert Campbell

Kessler Gone

Level 20
Allen Kessler
Allen Kessler

Action was picked up with cards on their backs and Allen Kessler all in for his remaining 26,000

Allen Kessler: 72J6KQQ
Joseph Villella: 99J44610

Kessler remained unimproved and was left drawing dead on sixth street and the WSOP regular collected his 100th WSOP cash in 34th place.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph Villella us
Joseph Villella
Allen Kessler us
Allen Kessler
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Allen KesslerJoseph Villella

John Cernuto Eliminated in 23rd Place ($3,736)

Level 22
John Cernuto
John Cernuto

Dzmitry Urbanovich: A5/78A6/Q
John Cernuto: 96/9873/2

Dzmitry Urbanovich completed and action folded around to John Cernuto, who raised. Urbanovich called.

Cernuto bet his remaining chips on fourth street and Urbanovich called to put Cernuto at risk.

The runouts left Urbanovich with a pair of aces and Cernuto with just a pair of nines — eliminating Cernuto in 23rd place.

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichJohn Cernuto

James Paluszek Eliminated in 22nd Place ($3,736)

Level 22
James Paluszek
James Paluszek

Action was picked up on sixth street with a sizable pot brewing between Shaun Deeb and James Paluszek. Their boards read as follows.

James Paluszek: AA3242J
Shaun Deeb: 82K8385

Deeb bet on sixth street, Paluszek raised, and Deeb reraised to put him all in. Paluszek called.

Deeb held three eights which, was ahead of Paluszek's aces and twos. Deeb drew a five on the end, while Paluszek drew a jack and was unable to improve, ending his tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
James Paluszek us
James Paluszek

Tags: James PaluszekShaun Deeb

Daniel Weinman Eliminated in 21st ($3,736)

Level 22
Daniel Weinman
Daniel Weinman

Action was picked up with cards on their backs with Daniel Weinman all in for his remaining 45,000 against Dzmitry Urbanovich.

Daniel Weinman: 992JQK4
Dzmitry Urbanovich: 8787A65

Urbanovich ended up holding eights up against Weinman's nines and the WSOP bracelet winner exited the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Dzmitry Urbanovich pl
Dzmitry Urbanovich
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Daniel Weinman us
Daniel Weinman
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Daniel WeinmanDzmitry Urbanovich