2023 World Series of Poker

Event #9: $1,500 Seven Card Stud
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
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Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Monnette, Schulman, and Deeb Headline Final Table Of Event #9: $1,500 Seven Card Stud

Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

From a starting field of 360 players just two days ago, only nine players remain to play for this World Series of Poker gold bracelet. Each one of the nine is guaranteed $7,706 for their efforts, but all eyes are on the first place prize of $110,800.

Leading the way is mixed game specialist John Monnette who comes into today with 1,985,000. Monnette WSOP mixed game victory dates all the way back to 2011, where he won the $2,500 8 Game. Just one year later he won his first stud bracelet in the $5,000 Seven Card Stud. Now he has his eyes set on his second stud bracelet and fifth overall bracelet.

Shaun Deeb (675,000) will be looking for his sixth bracelet and second stud bracelet as well, while Nick Schulman (1,375,000) will be eyeing his first stud bracelet and fourth overall. The rest of the field; Hojeong Lee (1,140,000), Tab Thiptinnakon (1,135,000), DJ Buckley (880,000), Andrew Hasdal (770,000), Bruce Levitt (665,000), and Tim Frazin (430,000) all look to snag their first bracelet and join the list of WSOP bracelet winners.

Final Day Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Bets
1John MonnetteUnited States1,985,00024
2Nick SchulmanUnited States1,375,00017
3Hojeong LeeUnited States1,140,00014
4Tab ThiptinnakonUnited States1,135,00014
5DJ BuckleyUnited States880,00011
6Andrew HasdalUnited States770,0009
7Shaun DeebUnited States675,0008
8Bruce LevittUnited States665,0008
9Tim FrazinUnited States440,0005

Players will return today at 1 p.m. local time coming back to level 26. The ante and bring in will be 10,000 with the limits coming back to 40,000-80,000. Players will continue to play one hour long levels until a champion is crowned and the table will be livestreamed.

Stay tuned to PokerNews for all updates on Event #9: $1,500 Seven Card Stud as well as all updates from the World Series of Poker.

Tags: Andrew HasdalBruce LevittDJ BuckleyHojeong LeeJohn MonnetteNick SchulmanShaun DeebTab ThiptinnakonTim Frazin

Bruce Levitt Eliminated in 9th Place ($7,706)

Level 26
Bruce Levitt
Bruce Levitt

Bruce Levitt: 22/2JKQ/10
DJ Buckley: 84/67K10/3
Tab Thiptinnakon: XxXx/Afolded on third street

Tab Thiptinnakon completed and was called by DJ Buckley. Bruce Levitt then raised and only Buckley called.

The rest of Levitt's chips went in sixth street and Levitt found himself behind against Buckley's flush.

Seventh street failed to boat up Levitt and he was eliminated in 9th place.

Player Chips Progress
DJ Buckley us
DJ Buckley
Bruce Levitt us
Bruce Levitt

Tags: Bruce LevittDJ BuckleyTab Thiptinnakon

Tab Thiptinnakon Eliminated in 8th Place ($9,829)

Level 27
Tab Thiptinnakon
Tab Thiptinnakon

Tab Thiptinnakon: 88/75J6/Q
Andrew Hasdal: Q4/4433/9

Tab Thiptinnakon called and action folded around to Andrew Hasdal in the bring-in for a heads-up pot.

Thiptinnakon bet on fourth and Hasdal raised. Thiptinnakon committed the remainder of his chips into the middle and cards were revealed.

Thiptinnakon held eights in the hole, but was trailing against the trip fours of Hasdal. Thiptinnakon's board failed to improve him and he was eliminated in eighth place.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Hasdal us
Andrew Hasdal
Tab Thiptinnakon us
Tab Thiptinnakon

Tags: Andrew HasdalTab Thiptinnakon

Tim Frazin Eliminated in 7th Place ($12,839)

Level 28
Tim Frazin
Tim Frazin

Shaun Deeb completed and Tim Frazin raised which Deeb called.

Tim Frazin: A9J769Xx
Shaun Deeb: A39345Xx

Frazin checked on fourth street which saw Deeb bet and Frazin called to put himself all-in.

Deeb was ahead until sixth street when Frazin paired up his nine, so Deeb sweat the seventh street card.

"Oh it's a no sider," said Deeb as he squeezed out the card. "I made a wheel," he said turning over 2 and Frazin turned over a meaningless Q.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Tim Frazin us
Tim Frazin

Tags: Shaun DeebTim Frazin

Buckley Doubles Through Hasdal

Level 29
DJ Buckley
DJ Buckley

Andrew Hasdal: 44/35K8/J
DJ Buckley: A5/A96A/8

DJ Buckley completed and was called by Andrew Hasdal.

Hasdal called a bet from Buckley on fourth street and the rest of Buckley's chips went in on fifth.

Buckley was ahead with aces, and the runout left him with trip aces, which was good for the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Hasdal us
Andrew Hasdal
DJ Buckley us
DJ Buckley

Tags: Andrew HasdalDJ Buckley

Deeb Doubles Through Lee

Level 29
Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Shaun Deeb: Q10/10J10A/6
Hojeong Lee: JJ/A873/8

Hojeong Lee completed and Shaun Deeb raised. Lee re-raised and Deeb went all in for his remaining stack.

Lee held jacks in the hole against Deeb's pair of tens, but Deeb caught trip tens on fifth street to overtake the lead and double up through Lee.

Player Chips Progress
Hojeong Lee us
Hojeong Lee
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Hojeong LeeShaun Deeb

DJ Buckley Eliminated In 6th Place ($17,166)

Level 29
DJ Buckley
DJ Buckley

Nick Schulman completed and DJ Buckley raised his bring in which saw Schulman called.

DJ Buckley: 24386A3
Nick Schulman: 5QJ56J3

The money went in on fourth street when Schulman bet and Buckley raised to put himself all in.

The boards gave Schulman kings up and Buckley was unable to improve and he ended his tournament run in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
DJ Buckley us
DJ Buckley

Tags: DJ BuckleyNick Schulman

Schulman Doubles Through Monette

Level 29

Schulman completed and Monnette called.

Nick Schulman: AQ/QK32A
John Monnette: K52JK89

On fourth street, Schulman bet and Monnette callled.

Fifth street saw Schulman move all in and Monnette called. The pair of kings were good for Monnette against Schulman's pair of queens, but on seventh street Schulman picked up another ace to make aces up and survive.

Player Chips Progress
John Monnette us
John Monnette
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: John MonnetteNick Schulman

Shaun Deeb Eliminated in 5th Place ($23,476)

Level 30
Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Shaun Deeb: 103/84410/Xx
John Monnette: KJ/542A/3

Shaun Deeb completed and John Monnette raised, which was enough to put Deeb all in. Deeb called off his remaining chips and hands were revealed.

Deeb picked up two pair on sixth street, but seventh street gave Monnette a wheel — eliminating Deeb in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
John Monnette us
John Monnette
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: John MonnetteShaun Deeb

Schulman Takes The Lead

Level 30
Nick Schulman
Nick Schulman

Nick Schulman completed which saw Andrew Hasdal raise with Hojeong Lee and Schulman both calling.

Andrew Hasdal: XxXx/105A2/Xx
Hojeong Lee: XxXx/34KA/Xx
Nick Schulman: XxXx/Q926/Xx

Action checked around to Hasdal on fourth street who bet and both players called.

Action checked through on fifth street over to sixth street where action checked over to Schulman who bet and both players called.

On seventh street the action got around to Schulman who bet and only Hasdal called. Schulman turned over A107 for aces and tens and the bracelet winner took the overall lead.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Andrew Hasdal us
Andrew Hasdal
Hojeong Lee us
Hojeong Lee

Tags: Andrew HasdalHojeong LeeNick Schulman