2023 World Series of Poker

Event #84: $50,000 High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Jørstad's Aces Cracked By Negreanu

Level 18 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Espen Jorstad
Espen Jorstad

Action was caught when the 2022 Main Event champion Espen Jørstad and Daniel Negreanu flipped their cards preflop, with Jørstad being at risk.

Espen Jørstad: AxAx
Daniel Negreanu: QQ

Jørstad had a few cards to avoid in order to take the pot. Unfortunately for him, one of the cards he didn't want to see came on the flop 68Q, giving Negreanu a set. The 10 landed on the turn, followed by the 9 on the river, resulting in Jørstad's elimination just before the bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Espen Jørstad no
Espen Jørstad
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
GTO Wizard
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Daniel NegreanuEspen Jørstad

Rabishow Out Of The Money

Level 18 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Kevin Rabichow had the smallest stack of all when the hand-for-hand process began. So he had no choice but to take risks and move all in for 280,000 chips in middle position. In the big blind, Stanley Tang took some time and called.

Kevin Rabichow: Q10
Stanley Tang: 108

Rabichow's hopes to be in the money disappeared when Tang hit a pair of eights on the flop 583. There was no queen to help Rabichow on the turn A or the river 10, and Rabichow was eliminated in 29th place.

The next player eliminated will be the bubble boy of this $50,000 High Roller.

Player Chips Progress
Stanley Tang hk
Stanley Tang
Kevin Rabichow us
Kevin Rabichow
Run It Once

Tags: Kevin RabichowStanley Tang

The Chad & Jesse Poker Show - Poker Vlogger Ryan Depaulo is Latest Guest

Level 18 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

On the latest episode, Jesse Fullen and special co-host Norman Chad continue The Chad & Jesse Poker Show straight from the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP).

The two start by debating the pros and cons of the 2023 WSOP Main Event payouts before welcoming this week’s guest – poker vlogger Ryan Depaulo.

Among the topics they discuss with the Whole Foods parking lot bracelet winner are his biggest score to date (third place in the Colossus), what his father told him (“Don’t punt”), and Joey the Mush. Plus, they ask if he was banned from Borgata for vlogging, his main poker influence, and whether or not he’s a withered pro.

Norman Chad and Jesse then do a new "Calling the Clock" segment in which they offer quick two-minute dialogues for topics on “The Board.”

Level: 19

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 80,000

Wang Doubles on the Bubble

Level 19 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Yang Wang
Yang Wang

The action folded around to Yang Wang in the small blind, and he jammed for 525,000. Daniel Smiljkovic was in the big blind and made the call.

Yang Wang: A10
Daniel Smiljkovic: AQ

Wang was dominated, but the J107 flop paired his ten. He was able to fade the gutshot straight draw and overcard as the board completed with the 7 turn and the 6 river.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Smiljkovic de
Daniel Smiljkovic
WSOP 1X Winner
Yang Wang cn
Yang Wang
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Daniel SmiljkovicWang Doubles

Kulev Takes Almost All Peters' Chips

Level 19 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Alex Kulev opened from middle position to 160,000, and all the other players checked to David Peters in the big blind, who decided to move all in for approximately 2,000,000 chips. Kulev snap-called.

Alex Kulev: KK
David Peters: A8

Peters didn't find the ace he wanted on the board Q8975, and let Kulev double up. As both players had almost the same stack, Peters had only 125,000 chips left after the hand.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Kulev bg
Alex Kulev
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
David Peters us
David Peters
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Alex KulevDavid Peters

Fedor Holz Eliminated on the Bubble in $50,000 High Roller

Level 19 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Fedor Holz
Fedor Holz

Brandon Wittmeyer opened 175,000 under the gun and Fedor Holz shoved 610,000 on the button. The blinds got out of the way and Wittmeyer made the call.

Fedor Holz: AK
Brandon Wittmeyer: 1010

It was a classic race but the Q6492 run out couldn't connect with Holz as he was eliminated on the stone bubble. The 27 remaining players have locked up a payout of $80,920.

Player Chips Progress
Brandon Wittmeyer us
Brandon Wittmeyer
WSOP 1X Winner
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz

Tags: Brandon WittmeyerFedor Holz