2023 World Series of Poker

Event #80: $25,000 H.O.R.S.E. High Roller
Day: 3
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2023 World Series of Poker

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Josh Arieh Steam Rolls Final Table For Sixth Bracelet in Event #80: $25,000 H.O.R.S.E. High Roller

Level 27
Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

Josh Arieh has defeated Dan Heimiller heads-up to win his sixth World Series of Poker bracelet along with the $711,313 first-place prize. En route to victory, Arieh overcame a stacked 112-player field and strengthened his position as a future Poker Hall of Famer.

Arieh’s victory comes on the heels of his win earlier this series in Event #22: $10,000 Limit Hold'em Championship. Additionally, with this win Arieh has also vaulted himself into second place in the WSOP Player of The Year race just behind Ian Matakis.

Winner's Reaction

"I'm so stoked," Arieh replied when asked how he felt after winning his sixth bracelet. "It was a tough field and I was the last person to go on a heater. I feel amazing and I'm very fortunate."

Humble in victory, Arieh explained it helped to "catch the deck" in what turned out to be a dominating final-table performance. "I just caught whatever I needed. The limits get so big that you just have to win the pots you play in."

Arieh, who has won four of his six bracelets in just the past two years, expressed his gratitude for life outside of poker and attributes that to his recent success. "My life is so amazing outside of poker. I got my sh** straight and my relationships with my daughters and with Rachel... everything is just great. It's definitely helped my career."

When asked the Poker Hall of Fame, Arieh had this to say:

"It's definitely in the back of my mind. This year belongs to (Brian) Rast, he's an absolute crusher and he did what he had to do. Maybe one year when they fix the nomination process and more than one player gets in, then maybe I'll have my turn. I'll just keep playing and doing what I do and whatever happens happens."

Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

Event #80: $25,000 H.O.R.S.E. High Roller Final Table Results

1Josh AriehUnited States$711,313
2Dan HeimillerUnited States$439,622
3Yingui LiChina$319,906
4Joao VieiraPortugal$236,163
5Mike MatusowUnited States$176,904
6John HenniganUnited States$134,491
7Johannes BeckerGermany$103,795
8Scott SeiverUnited States$81,337
9Hal RotholzUnited States$64,733

Day 3 Action

Day 3 began with 15 hopefuls looking to become the next H.O.R.S.E. champion, but it turned out to be Arieh’s day from the get-go after winning a nice pot early on to get his momentum started. Unsurprisingly, the shortest stacks to begin the day were eliminated within the first level of play starting with Mike Wattel and followed by Allen Kessler, who still navigated his way to a cash despite being close to elimination on the bubble yesterday.

Following the elimination of Matt Grapenthien, Arieh assumed the chip lead in the second level of the day after making a great call against Joao Vieira in Seven Card Stud. Brian Hastings would be next to go after running into a rivered wheel against Heimiller in Limit Hold’em and Michael Moncek was sent out shortly thereafter after being crippled by Mike Matusow’s set in the same game.

Ray Dehkhargani burst the final table bubble after being sent out by Johannes Becker in Omaha Hi-Lo. From that point, the action continued to fly as escalating limits and antes forced the action. Matusow claimed Hal Rotholz’s elimination in ninth place after making a seven in Razz and Scott Seiver, who had been nursing a short stack for much of day, was eliminated in eighth place against Vieira’s pair of sevens in Seven Card Stud.

Vieira continued to build his stack at the final table and looked to be a serious contender for the bracelet after taking out Becker in seventh place. However, Arieh kept up the pace and added John Hennigan’s stack to his own after making a straight against Hennigan’s aces in Omaha Hi-Lo.

Matusow, a Poker Hall of Fame nominee who already has several cashes this year, including a second-place finish in Event #55: $1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better, had to settle for fifth place after calling off for his remaining chips in Razz against Arieh and drawing to a king.

The pace of play finally slowed down a bit when it got to four-handed play. After a bit exchanging chips back and forth, Vieira lost a tough pot against Heimiller after being pipped in Razz. The rest of Vieira’s chips went Arieh’s way in a subsequent hand of Razz to set up three-handed play.

Arieh would continue his reign of terror by eliminating Yingui Li after catching an unlikely pair against him in Limit Hold’em to get to heads-up play. By that point, Arieh had an over two-to-one chip lead against Heimiller. It didn’t take long for Arieh to extend his lead through relentless aggression and he finished the job after catching an ace on the turn to overtake Heimiller's queens in Omaha Hi-Lo.

Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

That's a wrap for PokerNews coverage of Event #80: $25,000 H.O.R.S.E. High Roller. Be sure to check out our live-reporting hub for continuing coverage of the 2023 World Series of Poker right here at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas

Tags: Allen KesslerBrian HastingsDan HeimillerHal RotholzIan MatakisJoao Vieira

Dan Heimiller Eliminated in 2nd Place ($439,622)

Level 27
Dan Heimiller
Dan Heimiller

Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better

In what would be the last hand of the tournament, Josh Arieh raised on the button and Dan Heimiller called.

Heimiller led out for a bet on the 5J6 flop and Arieh raised to put Heimiller all in. Heimiller called and hands were revealed.

Dan Heimiller: QQJ2
Josh Arieh: AQ42

The A turn vaulted Arieh into the lead and the 6 river kept Arieh best with two pair and a low — eliminating Heimiller in second place.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Dan HeimillerJosh Arieh

Heimiller Hits Big

Level 27
Dan Heimiller
Dan Heimiller

Stud Hi-Lo

Josh Arieh: XxXx/2986/Xx
Dan Heimiller: Q4/AQ8A/A

Arieh was the bring in followed by a complete from Heimiller and a call.

Every street went bet Heimiller and call from Arieh. After the bet on seventh Arieh was visibly frustrated as he seemed to know he was beat. After the chips went in Heimiller showed down aces full of queens and Arieh mucked.

Heimiller closed that gap by a small margin and is in the mix.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Dan HeimillerJosh Arieh

Big Pot For Arieh

Level 26
Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

Seven Card Stud

Dan Heimiller: XxXx/41027
Josh Arieh: XxXx/4Q35

Dan Heimiller brought it in, Josh Arieh completed, and Heimiller put in two bets. Arieh called.

Fourth street saw Heimiller call a bet from Arieh. Fifth street had Heimiller call another bet.

Sixth street landed and Arieh had four spades on board. Arieh bet again and this time Heimiller couldn't hold on any longer. He shook his head and folded.

Arieh extended his already huge lead.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Dan HeimillerJosh Arieh

Yingui Li Eliminated in 3rd Place ($319,906)

Level 26
Yingui Li
Yingui Li

Limit Hold'em

Action folded to Josh Arieh in the small blind who raised. There was then a third bet from Yingui Li out of the big blind and Arieh called. Li had just one bet behind going to a flop.

The flop came 3KK and the last of the chips went in. The cards hit their backs.

Yingui Li: A3
Josh Arieh: 65

Li was in the lead until the turn which brought a brutal 6. The 4 river brought no help for Li who would exit the tournament in third place after a deep run.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
Yingui Li cn
Yingui Li
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Josh AriehYingui Li

Joao Vieira Eliminated in 4th Place ($236,163)

Level 26
Joao Vieira
Joao Vieira


Yingui Li: XxXx/3x10x9x Folded Fifth Street
Joao Vieira: 6x10x/5xKxAxJx/Xx
Josh Arieh: 7x4x/3x6x2xKx/Xx

Dan Heimiller folded his 7x bring in after Joao Vieira went all in and got a call from both Yingui Li and Josh Arieh.

Fourth street landed and Li check-called a bet from Arieh. On fifth Arieh led again and this time Li folded.

The cards hit their backs and Vieira saw the bad news. He was drawing dead when the dealer pitched sixth and mucked his hand. He shook hands with the table and exited in 4th place.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
Yingui Li cn
Yingui Li
$25K Fantasy
Joao Vieira pt
Joao Vieira
Day 2 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Dan HeimillerJoao VieiraJosh AriehYingui Li

Heimiller Gets the Best of Li

Level 25
Dan Heimiller
Dan Heimiller

Omaha Hi-Lo

Yingui Li was in the cutoff and raised. Dan Heimiller was on the button and put in a third bet. The blinds folded and Li called.

The 2K8 flop hit the felt and Li check-called a bet from Heimiller. The turn brought a 5 and Li check-called another bet.

The dealer burned and turned the 8 and Li checked once more. Heimiller put out the last bet and Li only had one word that he said over and over..."F***!"

After about a minute in the tank he finally put in the chips. Heimiller tabled AAQ4 and would scoop the high and the low after Li mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
Yingui Li cn
Yingui Li
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Dan HeimillerYingui Li

Li Makes Big Fold

Level 25
Yingui Li
Yingui Li

Stud Hi-Lo

Yingui Li: XxXx/444K Folded Sixth Street
Dan Heimiller: K7/96JJ

After a fold from the bring-in Dan Heimiller and Yingui Li were heads up on fourth street. Li bet his paired board and Heimiller raised. Li called.

Fifth street landed and Li bet again with trips on board. Heimiller called.

Sixth landed and Li bet once more. Heimiller said "I think I have you" and raised.

With trips on board Li went into the tank and eventually folded. Heimiller tabled his flush to show he had the goods and that Li made a good fold.

Player Chips Progress
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
Yingui Li cn
Yingui Li
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Dan HeimillerYingui Li

Mike Matusow Eliminated in 5th Place ($176,904)

Level 24
Mike Matusow
Mike Matusow


Josh Arieh: Ax6x/7x3x8xQx/Jx
Mike Matusow: 9x5x/6xQx9x9x/Kx

After Yingui Li folded the bring in, Josh Arieh and Mike Matusow were heads up going to fourth street.

Fourth street landed and Arieh led out which put Matusow all in. Matusow mulled it over for about a minute before he called.

The remaining streets landed and Matusow was drawing dead by sixth. Arieh would scoop and Matusow would hit the rail in 5th place after an impressive run and comeback from the short stack.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Mike Matusow us
Mike Matusow
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Josh AriehMike MatusowYingui Li

John Hennigan Eliminated in 6th Place ($134,491)

Level 24
John Hennigan
John Hennigan

Omaha Hi-Lo

Action folded to John Hennigan on the button who went all in for his remaining chips. Dan Heimiller called out of the small blind and Josh Arieh defended his big blind.

The JJQ flop checked through. The turn brought a 5 and action checked through again. The river brought a K and action checked through once more.

Arieh announced "straight" and showed 10962. Heimiller showed A447 and then mucked.

Hennigan said "I thought no betting was a good thing" and quickly flashed AxAxKxXx before mucking. He would hit the rail in 6th place after an impressive showing.

Player Chips Progress
Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Dan Heimiller us
Dan Heimiller
WSOP 2X Winner
John Hennigan us
John Hennigan
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Dan HeimillerJohn HenniganJosh Arieh