2023 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $2,500 Mixed Big Bet
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Lindgren Hits the River

Level 1
Erick Lindgren
Erick Lindgren

No-Limit Hold'em

Eric Lindgren check-called a 2,200 chip bet from an early position player on a board reading 2A56 and the dealer burned and turned the J river, leading Lindgren to check once more.

The player in early position sigh-checked back, indicating a suspicion that Lindgren may have made his flush, which turned out to be correct, as Lindgren flipped over KQ for a king-high flush.

His opponent mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Erick Lindgren us
Erick Lindgren
Day 1 Chip Leader
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Eric Lindgren

Epstein Bluffs Big

Level 1

Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better

Nicolas Dumont raised 300 from the button, the small and Alex Epstein in the big blind called. On a flop of 769 Dumont continued for 1,000. The small blind folded and Epstein called.

Epstein took the lead on the 9 turn, betting 2,500 and Dumont called. When the river came 2 Epstein bet again for 6,000 and after a moment juggling his calling chips, Dumont folded.

Epstein showed anyway, proud of his bluff with KJ83 for a busted flush and straight draws and eight-seven low.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Epstein us
Alex Epstein
WSOP 1X Winner
Nicolas Dumont fr
Nicolas Dumont

Tags: Alex EpsteinNicolas Dumont

Hamada Gets One Near the End of Level 1

Level 1
Michael Savakinas
Michael Savakinas

Five Card Draw High

Yuki Hamada raised to 700 from early position and was called by Michael Savakinas in the big blind.

Savakinas drew one and Hamada took three.

Both players checked and Savakinas announced, "you win," with Hamada tabling AA1086 for a pair of aces.

Savakinas mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Savakinas us
Michael Savakinas
WSOP 1X Winner
Yuki Hamada us
Yuki Hamada

Tags: Michael SavakinasYuki Hamada

Level: 2

NLFCD & NL 2-7 SD:
Ante 300, Blinds 100-200
PLO, PLO8, Big O, PL 2-7 TD:
Ante 200, Blinds 100-200
No-Limit Hold'em:
Ante 300, Blinds 100-200

PN Podcast: Daniel Negreanu Talks 2023 WSOP & Poker Hall of Fame

Level 2

On the latest PokerNews Podcast episode, Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen continue The Chad & Jesse Poker Show straight from the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP).

They are joined by none other than Daniel Negreanu, who took a break from his busy summer schedule to talk about a plethora of topics including what it’s been like running deep in the lower buy-in, big field events, interacting with fans, and how he feels about his performance thus far.

Negreanu also offers his thoughts on the Poker Hall of Fame, including who he thinks will get in and the changes he’d like to see moving forward. Finally, “Kid Poker” offers his prediction for the 2023 WSOP Main Event, which is also the first big topic discussed by the hosts.

Chad and Jesse then do a new "Calling the Clock" segment in which they offer quick two-minute dialogues for topics on “The Board.”

Listen to the New PokerNews Podcast Here!

Who's Up for a Game of Doyle Draw?

Level 2

No-Limit 5-Card Draw High

David Bach raised 600 from middle position and Walter Chambers called from the big blind. Chambers asked for one cards, and Bach one. Chambers checked and when Bach bet 1,100 he folded. He showed Bach that he had missed his heart flush, and Bach cruelly showed him just the 4.

"This is your favorite game, huh?" asked Felipe Ramos.

"I used to play this with my grandma when I was seven," laughed Bach.

"It was Doyle's favorite game."

"I know," replied Bach. "He would pick it whenever it was his turn in dealer's choice."

A lightbulb went on in Ramos' head. "They should have an event with three different draw games. Call it 'Doyle Draw'."

Player Chips Progress
Walter Chambers us
Walter Chambers
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: David BachFelipe RamosWalter Chambers

Turner Sits Down and Gets Run Over by a Bike

Level 2

Pot-Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw

Mike Kuney raised to 700 from under the gun. Jon Turner, having just sat down, called from middle position, as did both blinds. The big blind drew two, and everyone else drew one.

Turner took the lead after the first draw for 1,600, and only Kuney called. Each drew one, Turner bet out 5,000, and then Kuney went all in for 10,400. Turner sighed and called.

Kuney patted, and Turner took one. Kuney showed Turner the bad news, ol' number one 7x5x4x3x2x, and more than doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Kuney us
Mike Kuney
Jon Turner us
Jon Turner
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Jon TurnerMike Kuney