2023 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $2,500 Mixed Big Bet
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Level: 27

NLFCD & NL 2-7 SD:
Ante 90000 Small Blind 30000 Big Blind 60000
PLO, PLO8, Big O, PL 2-7 TD:
Ante 50000 Small Blind 30000 Big Blind 50000
No-Limit Hold'em:
Ante 80000 Small Blind 30000 Big Blind 50000

Hye Park Eliminated in 6th Place ($27,130)

Level 27
Hye Park
Hye Park

Pot-Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw

After the first draw, Julio Belluscio bet 175,000. Federico Quevedo called, Hye Park potted, and Belluscio reraised enough to put both players all in. There was a long tank while it seemed like Quevedo was considering his options, but it turned out that he wasn't aware the action was on him. Once he folded, Park called all in.

Both players then patted. Now faced with the final decision, eventually Park chose to break. Belluscio showed 8x7x5x4x2x and Park 8x4x3x2x, his tournament life depending on any five, six or seven. But it was not to be as he drew a queen, and his deep run ended in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Julio Belluscio ar
Julio Belluscio
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Federico Quevedo cr
Federico Quevedo
Profile photo of Hye Park us
Hye Park

Tags: Federico QuevedoHye ParkJulio Belluscio

Lindgren Doubles Through Quevedo

Level 27
Erick Lindgren
Erick Lindgren

Pot-Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw

Erick Lindgren called 50,000 from early position and Federico Quevedo raised to 200,000 from the button, with Lindgren making the call.

Both players drew two the first round and Lindgren checked over to Quevedo, who put out a pot-sized bet of 500,000, enough to put Lindgren all-in.

Lindgren would make the call for his tournament life.

The second round of drawing saw Lindgren taking two and Quevedo drawing one this time.

On the final round, Lindgren drew one and with Quevedo standing pat, the cards were on their backs.

Erick Lindgren: 6x4x3x2x/Xx
Federico Quevedo: 10x6x4x3x2x

Lindgren would need to draw a ten to chop or better than a ten to win outright, and after the dealer delivered his final draw card face down, Lindgren squeezed to reveal a 9x for the double.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Federico Quevedo cr
Federico Quevedo
Profile photo of Erick Lindgren us
Erick Lindgren
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Erick LindgrenFederico Quevedo

Lindgren Doubles Again, Again

Level 27

No-Limit Hold’em

Tomasz Gluszko raised to 100,000 from the button, and Erick Lindgren reraised to 250,000 from the small blind. Big blind Julio Belluscio then made it 475,000 to go. Gluszko folded, and Lindgren moved all in for his remaining 650,000, which Belluscio called immediately. Lindgren triumphantly flipped over two red aces, and Belluscio KJ.

The J104 flop provided a little sweat for Lindgren, which increased on a 2 turn. The river peeled off a face card, which seemed to make Lindgren's heart skip a beat, then breathe a sigh of relief when it turned out to be a harmless Q

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Tomasz Gluszko pl
Tomasz Gluszko
Profile photo of Erick Lindgren us
Erick Lindgren
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Julio Belluscio ar
Julio Belluscio
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Erick LindgrenJulio BelluscioTomasz Gluszko

Lindgren Takes Brutal O-8 Beat

Level 27

Pot-Limit Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better

From the button Erick Lindgren bet 75,000 on a flop of Q410. Julio Belluscio called from the small blind, but Federico Quevedo raised to 400,000. Lindgren called and Belluscio folded.

The turn came 7 and Quevedo led out for 1,750,000 and Lindgren called. The river paired the board with the 7 and made no low possible. Quevedo moved all in for his remaining 185,000 and Lindgren had to make a decision for the majority of his recently replenished stack.

"Where did that runout come from?" asked Lindgren. "There are only four cards in the deck that give you the scoop." He regretfully called and Quevedo showed him the bad news with a pair of tens for a rivered full house.

Lindgren kept shaking his head. "Every other card in the deck except a ten or a seven gives me a straight or a low."

"If this what you're going to do with the chips I give to you," said Belluscio, "I'm not going to give you any more."

"Could you just give me one or two?" asked Lindgren, with a forlorned chuckle.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Julio Belluscio ar
Julio Belluscio
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Federico Quevedo cr
Federico Quevedo
Profile photo of Erick Lindgren us
Erick Lindgren
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Erick LindgrenFederico QuevedoJulio Belluscio

Level: 28

NLFCD & NL 2-7 SD:
Ante 120000 Small Blind 40000 Big Blind 80000
PLO, PLO8, Big O, PL 2-7 TD:
Ante 60000 Small Blind 30000 Big Blind 60000
No-Limit Hold'em:
Ante 90000 Small Blind 30000 Big Blind 60000

Eric Lindgren Eliminated in 5th Place ($37,901)

Level 28
Erick Lindgren
Erick Lindgren

No-Limit 5-Card Draw High

Julio Belluscio limped in early position, and Federico Quevedo followed suit to his immediate left.

Benny Glaser then raised the pot to 400,000, and Erick Lindgren, having been forced to commit all but 10,000 of his remaining chips to the big blind and ante, called off his remaining stack. Belluscio and Quevedo called as well, creating a three-way side-pot.

Lindgren drew three, while the other three players each drew one.

It was checked around, and the cards were on their backs.

Erick Lindgren: 553K/Xx
Julio Belluscio: 1010Q45
Federico Quevedo: QJ109Xx
Benny Glaser: AA998

Glaser was in the lead with two pair, aces and nines, with Lindgren needing to draw a third five in order to stay alive.

However, he would roll over the 7 and head to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
WSOP 5X Winner
Profile photo of Tomasz Gluszko pl
Tomasz Gluszko
Profile photo of Federico Quevedo cr
Federico Quevedo
Profile photo of Julio Belluscio ar
Julio Belluscio
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Erick Lindgren us
Erick Lindgren
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserEric LindgrenFederico QuevedoJulio Belluscio

Gluszko and Belluscio Collide, Gluszko Left Short

Level 28
Tomasz Gluszko
Tomasz Gluszko

Pot-Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw

Action caught up on the final draw round in a hand between Poland's Tomasz Gluszko and Argentina's Julio Belluscio, with Belluscio standing pat and Gluszko drawing one.

Gluszko checked to Belluscio who bet the pot for 1,010,000 and after a few moments of deliberation, Gluszko made the call.

Belluscio showed down 7x6x5x3x2x and Gluszko mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Julio Belluscio ar
Julio Belluscio
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Tomasz Gluszko pl
Tomasz Gluszko

Tags: Julio BelluscioTomasz Gluszko