2023 World Series of Poker

Event #70: $400 Colossus
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
5,000,000 / 10,000,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Iermolcheva Takes a Pot

Level 25 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Olga Iermolcheva
Olga Iermolcheva

Olga Iermolcheva opened to 125,000 from under the gun and only the player in the cutoff made the call.

The flop came A62 and Iermolcheva continued for 60,000, which her opponent called. On the A turn both players slowed down with a check to the 3 river.

Iermolcheva tossed out a bet of 100,000 and the hijack quickly let their cards go.

Player Chips Progress
Olga Iermolcheva ua
Olga Iermolcheva

Tags: Olga Iermolcheva

'Old Man Coffee' Jutte "Should Have Never Played This Hand"

Level 25 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

The under-the-gun player raised 125,000 and a player called in the middle before Michael 'Old Man Coffee' Jutte called on the button.

When the 975 flop hit the felt, the action checked to Jutte and he put out a bet of 125,000.

Both players quickly folded and Jutte said, "I should have never played this hand, I am that bored," while tabling 86 for a straight on the flop.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Jutte us
Michael Jutte

Tags: Michael Jutte

Hernandez Asks for the Last Chip

Level 25 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Bruno Hernandez and his opponent were heads up to a flop of 4J10 and the latter had only left themselves one chip behind. Hernandez put his opponent all in and cards were on their back.

Bruno Hernandez: AK
Opponent: QQ

Hernandez declared he needed a spade, but an ace, a king, or queen would also pull him ahead. The turn changed nothing with the 6 but the river completed the board with the 3, awarding the pot to Hernandez.

Hernandez was feeling good and settled in by extending his massage another thirty minutes.

Player Chips Progress
Bruno Hernandez mx
Bruno Hernandez

Tags: Bruno Hernandez

Fleetwood's River Bet Gets it Done

Level 25 : Blinds 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Steven Chung raised under the gun to 130,000 and Garrett Fleetwood came along in the big blind.

When the 863 flop hit the board, Fleetwood check-called a bet of 2,000,000.

The A turn was checked through to the 10 river and Fleetwood led out for 300,000. Chung wasted little time tossing his cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Garrett Fleetwood us
Garrett Fleetwood
Steven Chung us
Steven Chung

Tags: Garrett FleetwoodSteven Chung

Level: 26

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 80,000

Butters Drags a Double

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

All of the chips went in the middle before the flop and it was Jonathan Butters at risk for 655,000 against Evan Rupley.

Jonathan Butters: QQ
Evan Rupley: AK

It was a classic race as the board ran out 863KJ, for Butters to make a pair of kings for the double-up.

"At least I'm still in!" exclaimed Rupley, seeing the positive side as he paid off the bet.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Butters ee
Jonathan Butters
Evan Rupley us
Evan Rupley

Tags: Evan RupleyJonathan Butters

Madan Scores Massive Triple Up With Rockets

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Manish Madan opened to 180,000 from early position and it folded to a player in middle position who moved all in for close to 1,400,000. The player in the small blind called for their stack of close to 1,000,000 and Madan also called for his last 795,000 total.

Manish Madan: AA
Small Blind: QQ
Middle Position: KK

It was the ultimate cooler for both of Madan's opponents, and when the board ran out 108467, it was the aces for Madan that held up to score a full triple up to over two million.

Player Chips Progress
Manish Madan us
Manish Madan

Tags: Manish Madan

Powell Eliminated as He Couldn't Win the Flip

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Jared Powell jammed for 1,045,000 on the button and Shawn Gill made the call in the small blind. The big blind folded and Powell let out a sigh as both hands were tossed on their backs.

Jared Powell: KJ
Shawn Gill: 77

It was a classic coinflip, and the flop gave Powell some extra outs as it came AQ3, picking up a gutshot straight draw.

The A turn was no help though, and the 7 river improved Gill to a full house as Powell waited for a payout slip.

Player Chips Progress
Garrett Fleetwood us
Garrett Fleetwood
Shawn Gill us
Shawn Gill
Ellianne Munoz co
Ellianne Munoz
Steven Chung us
Steven Chung
Jared Powell us
Jared Powell

Tags: Jared PowellShawn Gill

Ortega Makes a Huge Call

Level 26 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante

Jacques Ortega raised in early position to 240,000 and was called by Brian Stanley, of Arkansas.

The flop rolled 9510 and Stanley checked. Ortega bet 200,000 and Stanley made the call.

The turn peeled the Q and Stanley checked again and faced a bet of 700,000. In response, Stanley went all in for his remaining chips, which amounted to around 2,000,000.

Ortega spent a good chunk of time piecing it all together but eventually declared a call.

Brian Stanley: J10
Jacques Ortega: JJ

They both had the same straight draw, but Ortega's pair of jacks dominated Stanley's pair of tens. The river bricked and a very friendly Stanley wished his opponent good luck and congratulated Ortega on the call.

When PokerNews asked about his plans moving forward, Stanley said he'd be going on a nice dinner with his wife. He also made a point of saying what a great time he had and that this was only his third tournament ever.

Player Chips Progress
Jacques Ortega br
Jacques Ortega
Brian Stanley us
Brian Stanley

Tags: Brian StanleyJacques Ortega